Refer a friend | Amida Healthcare

Refer a friend

We are always on the lookout for good candidates, therefore your friend and colleague referrals are very important to us. Referrals are a great way to assist your network in their job search, and are something we like to show our thanks for.

To show our gratitude, we reward successful referrals with an Amazon Gift Card to the value of £100 upon placement in a job and completion of 12 weeks or 300 hours.*

To register your referral, please enter your details and theirs in the form below and we'll get back to you shortly.

*Terms & Conditions

  1. £100 Gift Card payable for the referral of a permanent candidate upon placement in job and completion of 12 weeks employment.
  2. £100 Gift Card payable for the referral of a contract candidate upon placement in job and completion of 300 hours work.
  3. Candidates must be placed and employed within 15 weeks of a referral being submitted.

Amida Healthcare Limited reserves the right to amend or withdraw the referral scheme without further notice.